donderdag 22 december 2022

Source of inspiration for Wagner and Goethe

SCHRECKENBURG - Ústí nad Labem (Aussig an der Elbe CZ)

Schreckenburg - Usti Nod Labem - watercolor sketched on location for you by Linda S. Leon for



aquarel in mijn schetsboek
geschilderd op locatie
29,7 / 21 cm

En ook mij kon deze imposante burcht inspireren. Vooral omdat het zo zonnig was en het licht prachtige schaduwen op het gebouw wierp.

The Fortress not only inspired Wagner for the setting of his opera Tanhauser but also enchanted me with its beautifull shades, in the light of the sun. 

Enjoy ► this overview ◄ of the complete "Czech" series

4 opmerkingen :

  1. ... and Leon's inspiration for a fine aquarelle.
    Four to go. ;-)

  2. Indeed it was... As the sun was present too, that day and gave me such beautiful light =]
    Yep, four to go... Hope I didn't bite off more than I could chew ...

  3. Inspirerend voor geschriften, muziek en schilderijen. Meer moet dat niet zijn...


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Thanks for leaving some sign of your presence here.