dinsdag 3 april 2018

Haar bed

Hunebed D7 door Linda S. Leon

in mijn schetsboek
29,7/21 cm


Stones would play inside her head
and where she slept,
they made her bed.
And she would ache for love
and get but stones.

Lordy, child
a good day's comin'.
And I'll be there to let the sun in.
And bein' lost
is worth the comin' home

on stones

You and me, a time for planting.
You and me, a harvest granting.
The every prayer ever prayed
for just two wild flowers that grow

on stones

2 opmerkingen :

  1. When the stones are swimming
    the leaves will sink.

    1. In my tongue we have a more or less similar quote : "when the sky tumbles down, every sparrow will wear a blue bonnet... Nowadays I have the feeling, anything can become possible...
      Aren't these strange times, Sean?


Dank je om me hier een teken van je bezoek na te laten.
Thanks for leaving some sign of your presence here.